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Class X509CertificateStore

Class that abstracts a certificate, request and key store for a X509 PKI.
Defined in: X509CertificateStore.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Create an object to access a X509 certificate store.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
deletePrivateKey(pathOrHolderId, name)
Remove private key
deleteRequest(pathOrHolderId, keyId)
Remove request
generateKeyPair(pathOrHolderId, name, algo, prk, puk)
Generate key pair
Get certificate chain for given path or holderId
Return a suitable crypto object.
Get current certificate for given path or holderId
Get current certificate for given path or holderId
Get current key id
getPrivateKeyByKeyId(pathOrHolderId, keyId)
Get a private key in the certificate store
getPrivateKeyByName(pathOrHolderId, name)
Get a private key in the certificate store
getRequest(pathOrHolderId, keyId)
Return request for given keyId
getSigner(pathOrHolderId, keyId)
Get the signer identified by the keyId
importCertificate(cert, makeCurrent, srId)
Import a certificate that can be validated by one of certificates in the database.
List certificate holders for a given PKI element
newSigner(pathOrHolderId, name, puk, keyblob)
Create new signer based on key pair generated externally
X509CertificateStore.nthElementOf(path, n)
Return the n-element of the path
Strip the last element of the path, effectively defining the parent within the path
storeCertificate(pathOrHolderId, cert, makeCurrent, srId)
Store a certificate in the certificate store
storeRequest(pathOrHolderId, req)
Store a certificate request in the certificate store
Class Detail
Create an object to access a X509 certificate store.
{DAOFactory} DAOFactory
the factory that can create data access objects for persistent information
Method Detail
{boolean} deletePrivateKey(pathOrHolderId, name)
Remove private key
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
{String} name
the unique name of the signer in the holder context
true is deleted

{boolean} deleteRequest(pathOrHolderId, keyId)
Remove request
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
{ByteString} keyId
the unique keyId of the request in the holder context
true is deleted

{ByteString} generateKeyPair(pathOrHolderId, name, algo, prk, puk)
Generate key pair
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
{String} name
the unique name of the signer in the holder context
{Number} algo
the key generation algorithm (Crypto.EC or Crypto.RSA)
{Key} prk
the private key template
{Key} puk
the public key template
the subject key identifier

{X509[]} getCertificateChain(pathOrHolderId)
Get certificate chain for given path or holderId
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
the certificate chain, starting with the current certificate of the holder and ending with the self-signed trust anchor

{Crypto} getCrypto()
Return a suitable crypto object. This may be overwritten by derived classes
the Crypto object

{X509} getCurrentCertificate(pathOrHolderId)
Get current certificate for given path or holderId
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
the current certificate or null if none defined

{X509} getCurrentCertificateAndSigner(pathOrHolderId)
Get current certificate for given path or holderId
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
the current certificate or null if none defined

{ByteString} getCurrentKeyIdAndCertificate(pathOrHolderId)
Get current key id
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
the current key id or null if none defined

{Key} getPrivateKeyByKeyId(pathOrHolderId, keyId)
Get a private key in the certificate store
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
{ByteString} keyId
the unique key identifier
the private key or null if not found

{Key} getPrivateKeyByName(pathOrHolderId, name)
Get a private key in the certificate store
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
{String} name
the unique name of the signer in the holder context
the private key or null if not found

{PKCS10} getRequest(pathOrHolderId, keyId)
Return request for given keyId
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
{ByteString} keyId
the unique keyId of the request in the holder context
the request or null

{Signer} getSigner(pathOrHolderId, keyId)
Get the signer identified by the keyId
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
{ByteString} keyId
the key identifier
this Signer object

{Certificate} importCertificate(cert, makeCurrent, srId)
Import a certificate that can be validated by one of certificates in the database.
{X509} cert
the certificate
{Boolean} makeCurrent
true if this certificate becomes the current certificate
{Number} srId
service request id to be stored with issued certificate (optional)
the Certificate entry from the database or null

{String[]} listHolders(pathOrHolderId)
List certificate holders for a given PKI element
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
a list of holder ids, possibly empty

{ByteString} newSigner(pathOrHolderId, name, puk, keyblob)
Create new signer based on key pair generated externally
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
{String} name
the unique name of the signer in the holder context
{Key} puk
the public key
{ByteString} keyblob
the wrapped private key
the subject key identifier

<static> {String} X509CertificateStore.nthElementOf(path, n)
Return the n-element of the path
{String} path
the path to return the last element from
the last path element or null for the root

<static> {String} X509CertificateStore.parentPathOf(path)
Strip the last element of the path, effectively defining the parent within the path
{String} path
the path to strip the last element from
the parent path or null for the root

{Certificate} storeCertificate(pathOrHolderId, cert, makeCurrent, srId)
Store a certificate in the certificate store
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
{X509} cert
the certificate
{Boolean} makeCurrent
true if this certificate becomes the current certificate
{Number} srId
service request id to be stored with issued certificate (optional)
the Certificate entry from the database or null

{ByteString} storeRequest(pathOrHolderId, req)
Store a certificate request in the certificate store
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1") or the holderId from the database
{PKCS10} req
the request
the request's keyId

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