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Class X509CertificateIssuer

Class implementing a certification authority issuing X.509 certificates and CRLs
Defined in: X509CertificateIssuer.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
X509CertificateIssuer(daof, cpf, holder)
Create a certification authority that issues X.509 certificates and CRLs
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Add a CRL distribution point to issued certificates
X509CertificateIssuer.createCertificateIssuer(daof, pathOrHolderId, certtype, template)
Create a new certificate issuer
issueCertificate(certholder, pubkey, subject, extensions, srId)
Issue a new certificate for the given subject and public key
Issue a CRL
Issue a self-signed certificate for the given keyId.
Class Detail
X509CertificateIssuer(daof, cpf, holder)
Create a certification authority that issues X.509 certificates and CRLs
{DAOFactory} daof
the factory that can create the required data access objects
{CryptoProviderFactory} cpf
factory implementing getCryptoProvider() used to get access to crypto providers
{Holder} holder
the holder object for this signer the database
Method Detail
Add a CRL distribution point to issued certificates
{String} crldp
the URL of the distribution point

<static> {Number} X509CertificateIssuer.createCertificateIssuer(daof, pathOrHolderId, certtype, template)
Create a new certificate issuer
{DAOFactory} daof
the factory that can create the required data access objects
{String/Number} pathOrHolderId
the path of holderIDs (eg. "/UTCVCA/UTDVCA/UTTERM") or the holderId from the database
{Number} certtype
optional argument, default Holder.X509
the newly created holder id

{X509} issueCertificate(certholder, pubkey, subject, extensions, srId)
Issue a new certificate for the given subject and public key
{Number/String/Object} certholder
the holder id, path or object
{Key} pubkey
the public key
{Object} subject
in ASN1 format or a format accepted by PKIXCommon.encodeName()
{Object[]} extensions
array of certificate extensions objects with properties oid{String}, critical{boolean} and value{ByteString}
{Number} srId
service request id to be stored with issued certificate
the newly generated certificate

{CRL} issueCRL()
Issue a CRL
the newly issued CRL

issueSelfSignedCertificate(keyId, srId)
Issue a self-signed certificate for the given keyId. The key must have been previously generated using the newSigner() method
{ByteString} keyId
the subject key identifier
{Number} srId
service request id to be stored with issued certificate

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri Feb 16 2024 18:38:12 GMT+0100 (CET)