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Class P11CVCertificateStore

CV certificate store with PKCS#11 as secure key store
Defined in: P11CVCertificateStore.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
P11CVCertificateStore(daof, p11session)
Create a CV certificate store using a PKCS#11 device as secure key store
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Determine curve from key parameter
generateKeyPair(path, chr, algo, prk, puk)
Generate key pair
Get crypto object
getPrivateKey(path, chr)
Get a private key in the certificate store.
P11CVCertificateStore.path2label(path, chr)
Transform path and certificate holder into a label
Class Detail
P11CVCertificateStore(daof, p11session)
Create a CV certificate store using a PKCS#11 device as secure key store
{DAOFactory} daof
the factory that can create data access objects for persistent information
{PKCS11Session} p11session
logged in PKCS#11 session with device
Method Detail
<static> {ByteString} P11CVCertificateStore.determineCurve(key)
Determine curve from key parameter
{Key} key
the key
the curve OID

generateKeyPair(path, chr, algo, prk, puk)
Generate key pair
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for this key pair
{Number} algo
the key generation algorithm (Crypto.EC or Crypto.RSA)
{Key} prk
the private key template
{Key} puk
the public key template

{HSMCrypto} getCrypto()
Get crypto object
the HSMCrypto object

{Key} getPrivateKey(path, chr)
Get a private key in the certificate store. Overrides method in CVCertificateStore.
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for this key
the private key or null if not found

<static> {String} P11CVCertificateStore.path2label(path, chr)
Transform path and certificate holder into a label
{String} path
the path
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the certificate holder reference
the key label

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