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Class PublicKeyReference

A class that implements a public key reference to be used as CAR and CHR in card verifiable certificates (CVC).

Defined in: PublicKeyReference.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Create a public key reference (CAR/CHR) from binary representation or individual fields.

Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns true if other public key reference equals this public key reference
Returns the binary encoded public key reference
Returns the 2 character country code
Returns the certificate holder name, which is the concatenation of the country code and the holder mnemonic.
Returns the variable length holder mnemonic
Returns the 5 character sequence number
Test function
Returns the string representation of the public key reference
Class Detail

Create a public key reference (CAR/CHR) from binary representation or individual fields.

Use one of the following signatures:

  • PublicKeyReference(ByteString value) - binary public key reference
  • PublicKeyReference(String value) - string encoded public key reference
  • PublicKeyReference(String countryCode, String holderMnemonic, String sequenceNumber) - string encoded public key reference

@see PublicKeyReference.test() for an example.

Method Detail
{boolean} equals(other)
Returns true if other public key reference equals this public key reference
true if equals

{ByteString} getBytes()
Returns the binary encoded public key reference
the public key reference

{String} getCountryCode()
Returns the 2 character country code
the country code

{String} getHolder()
Returns the certificate holder name, which is the concatenation of the country code and the holder mnemonic.
the holder name

{String} getMnemonic()
Returns the variable length holder mnemonic
the holder mnemonic

{String} getSequenceNo()
Returns the 5 character sequence number
the sequence number

<static> PublicKeyReference.test()
Test function

{String} toString()
Returns the string representation of the public key reference
the public key reference

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