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Class CVCertificateStore

Class that abstracts a certificate and key store for a EAC PKI.
Defined in: CVCertificateStore.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Create an object to access a certificate store.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Check path This method validates the path for semantic errors and should be called for input validation before using the path in the certificate store API.
deleteCertificate(path, chr, selfsigned)
Remove certificate
deletePrivateKey(path, chr)
Remove private key
deleteRequest(path, chr)
Remove request
deleteSigner(path, chr)
Remove Signer
generateKeyPair(path, chr, algo, prk, puk)
Generate key pair
getCertificate(path, chr, selfsigned)
Return certificate for a given CHR

This method returns a self-signed root certificate if the selfsigned parameter is set.

getCertificateBinary(path, chr, selfsigned)
Return certificate for a given CHR in binary format

This method returns a self-signed root certificate if the selfsigned parameter is set.

getCertificateChain(path, tochr, fromcar)
Return a chain of certificates resembling a path from root to end entity.
Return a suitable crypto object.
Return the current CHR for which a valid certificate exists
Returns the default domain parameter for a given PKI
Returns the default algorithm identifier OID from the most recent link certificate
getDomainParameter(path, chr)
Returns the domain parameter for a certificate identified by its CHR

This method traverses the certificate hierachie upwards and follows link certificates until domain parameter are found.

getIssuerPathFor(cvc, cvcahint)
Determine path for certificate issuer For CVCA and DVCA certificates we can determined the path from the CAR.
getNextCHR(path, countryseq)
Return the next CHR
getPrivateKey(path, chr)
Get a private key in the certificate store
getRequest(path, chr)
Return request for given CHR
getSigner(path, chr)
Get Signer
insertCertificate(crypto, cvc, cvcahint)
Insert a single certificates into the certificate store

Before a certificate is imported, the signature is verified.

insertCertificates(crypto, certlist, insertSelfSigned, cvcahint)
Insert certificates into certificate store

The import into the internal data structure is done in three steps:

  1. If allowed, all self-signed certificates are imported
  2. All possible certificate chains are build
  3. Certificate chains are processed starting with the topmost certificate in the hierachie

Certificates at the terminal level can only be imported, if the issuing DVCA certificate is contained in the list or a hint for the relevant CVCA is given in the first element of the path contained in parameter cvcahint.

List certificates stored for given PKI element sorted by CHR
List certificate holders for a given PKI element
Try locating a certificate with the given CHR This method tries to find a specific certificate in the store, irrespectively of the holder.
newSigner(path, chr, algo, prk, puk)
Create Signer
CVCertificateStore.nthElementOf(path, n)
Return the n-element of the path
Strip the last element of the path, effectively defining the parent within the path
Set a context marker that goes into the certificate type The context marker allows to have different certificate stores with different namespaces in the same database.
setSignerNo(path, signerNo)
Set the new signer number, if it is larger than the current
storeCertificate(path, cert, makeCurrent)
Store a certificate in the certificate store
storeRequest(path, req)
Store a certificate request in the certificate store
validateCertificate(crypto, cvc, cvcahint)
Validate a certificate against a certificate already stored in the certificate store

If the certificate is a terminal certificate, then the first element of the path given in cvcahint is used to determine the correct CVCA.

Class Detail
Create an object to access a certificate store.
{DAOFactory} DAOFactory
the factory that can create data access objects for persistent information
Method Detail
<static> CVCertificateStore.checkPath(path)
Check path This method validates the path for semantic errors and should be called for input validation before using the path in the certificate store API.
{String} path
the path to validate

{boolean} deleteCertificate(path, chr, selfsigned)
Remove certificate
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for this certificate
{boolean} selfsigned
delete the self-signed root certificate rather than a link certificate
true is deleted

{boolean} deletePrivateKey(path, chr)
Remove private key
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for this key
true is deleted

{boolean} deleteRequest(path, chr)
Remove request
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for this request
true is deleted

{boolean} deleteSigner(path, chr)
Remove Signer
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for this key
true is deleted

generateKeyPair(path, chr, algo, prk, puk)
Generate key pair
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for this key pair
{Number} algo
the key generation algorithm (Crypto.EC or Crypto.RSA)
{Key} prk
the private key template
{Key} puk
the public key template

{CVC} getCertificate(path, chr, selfsigned)
Return certificate for a given CHR

This method returns a self-signed root certificate if the selfsigned parameter is set. If not set or set to false, then matching link certificate, if any, is returned rather than the self-signed certificate.

{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for the certificate
{boolean} selfsigned
return the self-signed root certificate rather than a link certificate
the certificate or null if not found

{ByteString} getCertificateBinary(path, chr, selfsigned)
Return certificate for a given CHR in binary format

This method returns a self-signed root certificate if the selfsigned parameter is set. If not set or set to false, then matching link certificate, if any, is returned rather than the self-signed certificate.

{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for the certificate
{boolean} selfsigned
return the self-signed root certificate rather than a link certificate
the certificate or null if not found

{CVC[]} getCertificateChain(path, tochr, fromcar)
Return a chain of certificates resembling a path from root to end entity.
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} tochr
the public key reference for the certificate at the end of the chain
{PublicKeyReference} fromcar
the public key reference for the certificate to start with or root if undefined
the list of certificates starting with a self signed root certificate (fromcar undefined) a certificate issued by fromcar up to an including the certificate referenced by tochr. Return null if fromcar is not found.

{Crypto} getCrypto()
Return a suitable crypto object. This may be overwritten by derived classes
the Crypto object

{PublicKeyReference} getCurrentCHR(path)
Return the current CHR for which a valid certificate exists
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1")
the current CHR for which a certificate exists or null if none exists

{Key} getDefaultDomainParameter(path)
Returns the default domain parameter for a given PKI
{String} path
the PKI path (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM"). Only the first path element is relevant
the domain parameter

{ByteString} getDefaultPublicKeyOID(path)
Returns the default algorithm identifier OID from the most recent link certificate
{String} path
the PKI path (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM"). Only the first path element is relevant
the algorithm identifier

{Key} getDomainParameter(path, chr)
Returns the domain parameter for a certificate identified by its CHR

This method traverses the certificate hierachie upwards and follows link certificates until domain parameter are found.

{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the CHR of the certificate to start the search with
the domain parameter

getIssuerPathFor(cvc, cvcahint)
Determine path for certificate issuer For CVCA and DVCA certificates we can determined the path from the CAR. For Terminal certificates we dont know the full path, as we don't know under which CVCA the DVCA operates that issued the Terminal certificate. So we use a two-step heuristic which first tries to locate the DVCA certificate based on the CAR and if that is not unique uses the cvcahint to determine the path of the issuer

{PublicKeyReference} getNextCHR(path, countryseq)
Return the next CHR
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1")
{String} countryseq
the 2 digit country code to include in the sequence number (optional)
the next CHR based on the sequence counter maintained in the configuration file

{Key} getPrivateKey(path, chr)
Get a private key in the certificate store
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for this key
the private key or null if not found

{CVC} getRequest(path, chr)
Return request for given CHR
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for the certificate
the request or null

{ByteString} getSigner(path, chr)
Get Signer
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for this key
the private key blob

{boolean} insertCertificate(crypto, cvc, cvcahint)
Insert a single certificates into the certificate store

Before a certificate is imported, the signature is verified.

If the certificate is a terminal certificate, then the first element of the path given in cvcahint is used to determine the correct CVCA.

{Crypto} crypto
the crypto provider to be used for certificate verification
{CVC} cvc
the certificate
{String} cvcahint
the PKI path (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM"). Only the first path element is relevant
true, if the certificate was inserted

{CVC[]} insertCertificates(crypto, certlist, insertSelfSigned, cvcahint)
Insert certificates into certificate store

The import into the internal data structure is done in three steps:

  1. If allowed, all self-signed certificates are imported
  2. All possible certificate chains are build
  3. Certificate chains are processed starting with the topmost certificate in the hierachie

Certificates at the terminal level can only be imported, if the issuing DVCA certificate is contained in the list or a hint for the relevant CVCA is given in the first element of the path contained in parameter cvcahint.

Before a certificate is imported, the signature is verified.

{Crypto} crypto
the crypto provider to be used for certificate verification
{CVC[]} certlist
the unordered list of certificates
{Boolean} insertSelfSigned
true, if the import of root certificates is allowed
{String} cvcahint
the PKI path (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM"). Only the first path element is relevant
the (ideally empty) list of unprocessed certificates. This does not contains certificates that fail signature verification.

{CVC[]} listCertificates(path)
List certificates stored for given PKI element sorted by CHR
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
a list of certificates, possibly empty

{String[]} listHolders(path)
List certificate holders for a given PKI element
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1")
a list of holder ids, possibly empty

{CVC} locateCertificate(chr)
Try locating a certificate with the given CHR This method tries to find a specific certificate in the store, irrespectively of the holder.
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for the certificate
the certificate or null if none found or more than one found

newSigner(path, chr, algo, prk, puk)
Create Signer
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{PublicKeyReference} chr
the public key reference for this key pair
{Number} algo
the key generation algorithm (Crypto.EC or Crypto.RSA)
{Key} prk
the private key template
{Key} puk
the public key template

<static> {String} CVCertificateStore.nthElementOf(path, n)
Return the n-element of the path
{String} path
the path to return the last element from
the last path element or null for the root

<static> {String} CVCertificateStore.parentPathOf(path)
Strip the last element of the path, effectively defining the parent within the path
{String} path
the path to strip the last element from
the parent path or null for the root

Set a context marker that goes into the certificate type The context marker allows to have different certificate stores with different namespaces in the same database. The default context marker is 0. The context marker is stored with the Holder table.
{Number} contextMarker
the marker

setSignerNo(path, signerNo)
Set the new signer number, if it is larger than the current
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1")
{Number} signerNo
the new signer number

storeCertificate(path, cert, makeCurrent)
Store a certificate in the certificate store
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{CVC} cert
the certificate
{Boolean} makeCurrent
true if this certificate become the current certificate

storeRequest(path, req)
Store a certificate request in the certificate store
{String} path
the relative path of the PKI element (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM")
{CVC} req
the request

{Object} validateCertificate(crypto, cvc, cvcahint)
Validate a certificate against a certificate already stored in the certificate store

If the certificate is a terminal certificate, then the first element of the path given in cvcahint is used to determine the correct CVCA.

Throws an exception if the certificate can not be validated
{Crypto} crypto
the crypto provider to be used for certificate verification
{CVC} cvc
the certificate
{String} cvcahint
the PKI path (e.g. "/UTCVCA1/UTDVCA1/UTTERM"). Only the first path element is relevant
object containing the path and domain parameter used for validating the certificate. Returns null if no issuer could be found

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