EMV Tutorial
This EMV Tutorial will explain how to use the Smart Card Shell to explore an EMV chip card.
Scripts used throughout the tutorial can be found in the emv directory of the script collection.
1. Basics
1.1 Answer to Reset
Answer to Reset describes how card and terminal negotiate communication parameter.
1.2 File Structure & APDU
Here we get some information about the file structure of EMV cards. Also we learn how the communication between card and terminal works.
1.3 ASN1 and TLV
This chapter describes the data structures, ASN.1 and TLV encoding in particular.
2. Transaction Process
2.1 Application Selection
Application selection is the first function performed after the ATR. It selects the desired application on the card.
2.2 Initiate Application Process
This function initiates the transaction process and returns the AIP and AFL.
2.3 Read Application Data
This function reads all files which are listed in the AFL.
2.4 Static Data Authentication
Static Data Authentication ensure the authenticity of the card's data.
2.5 Dynamic Data Authentication
DDA is a more secure way of authentication. Additionally, it ensured the uniqueness of cards.
2.6 Processing Restrictions
Checks the compatibility of card and terminal.
2.7 Cardholder Verification
Introduction of the Cardolder Verification Methods.
2.8 Terminal Risk Management
A list of safety measures to protect from fraud.
2.9 Terminal Action Analysis
Description of the terminal's online/offline transaction decision
2.10 Card Action Analysis
Description of the card's online/offline transaction decision and transaction completion.
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