OpenCard Framework FAQ

OCF Web client

The OCF Web Client is part of the CardUpdater module and allows a web application to access a smart card located at the client. The OCF Web Client is a local daemon that listens on port 27001 for activation requests from the local browser. See the server side implementation which is part of the OpenSCDP ScriptingServer for details.

Starting the OCF Web Client

The OCF Web Client can be started using Java Web Start or by downloading and double-clicking on ocf-cc.jar

The OCF Web Client can also be started from the command line using

java -jar ocf-cc.jar -v

If you are behind a proxy, then you will need to specify the proxy parameter on the command line:

java -jar ocf-cc.jar -v

Once started, the OCF Web Client will create a tray icon through which you can access program options.


Using NoScript

If you are using NoScript, then Application Boundaries Enforder (ABE) will prevent a website to access the local OCF Web Client. In this case you are getting the message that the web page could not connect to the local client.

You get this message, because ABE allows a web page to load resources only from the same origin where the page was loaded from. To activate the OCF Web Client the web page tries to read an image from - the port where the OCF Web Client is listening for requests.

To set a rule that allows access, you need to go to "NoScript Options" / "Advanced" / "ABE" / "SYSTEM" and make sure the following rules are defined:

# Allow access to OCF Web Client
Accept ALL from

# Prevent Internet sites from requesting LAN resources.

Accept from LOCAL

To allow other sites to access the OCF Web Client add rules accordingly.

No card reader found

You can check the attached reader with

java -jar ocf-cc.jar -l

If you are on a Linux system, then you might need to install the pcscd package and add the user to the pcscd group to get access to the card reader.

On some systems libpcsclite is installed in a directory where Java does not find it.

Tray Icon not working

If you are on Linux and the tray icon is not working, then you could run the client with the log windows active.

java -jar ocf-cc.jar -w

The context menu in the log windows allows you to select the card reader.

Still not working - What could I do

Please use the following steps to isolate the problem:

  1. Click on the OCF Web Client tray icon and select "Show log"
  2. Enter in your browser. If it displays a small read cross, then the OCF Web Client is running. You should see that activity in the log.
  3. Check the that OCF Web Client can connect to the server with
    java -jar ocf-cc.jar -v
    If you get a 504 error after 10 seconds, then the connection is working.
  4. Try the same thing in your browser using the URL
    You should see the red cross after about 10 seconds.
  5. If you can connect to your local client directly, but not from the web page, then check your browser security settings for options that prevent a web page to load resources from other than the original URL (Look for things like Application Boundaries Enforcement or Same Origin Policies)