Smart Card Shell

Invoking the Graphical User Interface

The shell is provided in a version with a graphical user interface as well as a version than runs from the command line. The later can be used for batch processing, whereas the former is better suited for development and interactive activities.

The GUI version can be started from the Start menu and comes up with a dialog that allows the selection of a workspace or configuration file.

The GUI version of the shell is started with the scsh3gui executable. It accepts the same command line arguments as the command line version, except for the --interactive and --list-readers options.

The initial workspace configuration is read from the .scsh3config file located in the user's home directory.

Command Line Arguments

The shell can be started from the command line using the scsh3 or scsh3gui executable. Configuration files and scripts are always located relative to the current directory from which the shell is invoked.

The following command line parameter are accepted:

scsh3 [--list-readers] [--interactive] [-D<key>=<value>] [scripts]*
       --list-readers     Provide a list of card reader names
       --interactive      Enter interactive mode
       -D<key>=<value>    Set Java system property

Parameter passed to the shell are interpreted as file names containing ECMA script code. They are executed in the sequence as defined. After successfull completion of the script the shell enters interactive mode, if the argument --interactive is given.

Defining a Web Proxy for OCSP Queries

Support for web proxies in http transport can be defined by setting the Java system properties http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort using the -D command line argument.

The following example configures the http transport to use the proxy server on IP address listening at port 3128.

scsh3 -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128

If your proxy requires a password for authentication, then you must login to the proxy using your web browser before using the OCSP functionality.