Smart Card Shell

ByteBuffer - Reference Documentation

Implementation of a mutuable byte buffer.

Index of Methods


Type Name Description
Number length Number of bytes in the ByteBuffer




ByteBuffer(String stringValue, Number encoding)

ByteBuffer(ByteString byteString)


Create a empty ByteBuffer object or a ByteBuffer object containing the data from stringValue decoded according to format defined in argument encoding or a ByteBuffer object containing the ByteString object passed as argument

The following encoding formats can be used for the stringValue argument:

HEX - A string containing hexadecimal characters and arbitrary delimiters.

ASCII - A string containing ASCII characters and characters from Latin-1.

UTF8 - A string containing Unicode characters.

BASE64 - A string containing BASE-64 encoded data.

OID - A string containing an object identifier in dotted notation or separated by blanks (This is a proprietary extension to Global Platform Scripting).


Type Name Description
String stringValue String containing the encoded binary data
Number encoding Encoding format. Must be one of HEX, ASCII, UTF8, BASE64 or OID
ByteString byteString ByteString object with data


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ENCODING The argument encoding contains an unknown encoding format
GPError GPError.INVALID_DATA The argument stringValue contains characters not compatible with the encoding format
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments given


x = new ByteBuffer();

assert(x != null);
assert(x instanceof ByteBuffer);

x = new ByteBuffer("1234", HEX);

assert(x.length == 2);
assert(x.toString() == "12 34");

x = new ByteBuffer("0x1234 56.78.90+AB#cd'EF", HEX);

assert(x.length == 8);
assert(x.toString() == "12 34 56 78 90 AB CD EF");

x = new ByteBuffer("1234ABCDÄÖÜß", ASCII);

assert(x.length == 12);
assert(x.toString() == "31 32 33 34 41 42 43 44 C4 D6 DC DF");

x = new ByteBuffer("1234ABCDÄÖÜß", UTF8);

assert(x.length == 16);
assert(x.toString() == "31 32 33 34 41 42 43 44 C3 84 C3 96 C3 9C C3 9F");

x = new ByteBuffer("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=", BASE64);

assert(x.length == 11);
assert(x.toString(ASCII) == "Hello World");

x = new ByteBuffer(new ByteString("1234", HEX));

assert(x.length == 2);
assert(x.toString() == "12 34");

x = new ByteBuffer("1.2.840.113549.1.1.2", OID);

assert(x.length == 9);
assert(x.toString(OID) == "1.2.840.113549.1.1.2");
assert(x.toString(HEX) == "2A864886F70D010102");

x = new ByteBuffer("1 2 840 113549 1 1 2", OID);

assert(x.toString(HEX) == "2A864886F70D010102");



String toString(Number encoding)


Return string containing binary data in given encoding


Type Name Description
Number encoding Encoding to present the binary data in. Must be one of ASCII, HEX, UTF8, BASE64 or CN.


String String representing data from ByteBuffer


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.ARGUMENTS_MISSING Too few arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for call


x = new ByteBuffer("41 42 43", HEX);
assert(x.toString(HEX) == "414243");

x = new ByteBuffer("41 42 43 C4 D6 DC DF", HEX);
assert(x.toString(ASCII) == "ABCÄÖÜß");

x = new ByteBuffer("C3 84 C3 96 C3 9C C3 9F", HEX);
assert(x.toString(UTF8) == "ÄÖÜß");

x = new ByteBuffer("Hello World", ASCII);
assert(x.toString(BASE64) == "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=");



ByteBuffer append(ByteBuffer byteBuffer)

ByteBuffer append(ByteString byteString)

ByteBuffer append(Number byteValue)

ByteBuffer append(String stringValue)


Append to the ByteBuffer at the end the content of the ByteBuffer or ByteString object, the ASCII encoded string or the byte given as argument.


Type Name Description
ByteBuffer byteBuffer ByteBuffer object to be appended to ByteBuffer
ByteString byteString ByteString object to be appended to ByteBuffer
String stringValue String containing ASCII characters to be appended to ByteBuffer
Number byteValue Single byte value


ByteBuffer Returns the ByteBuffer object this method is applied to


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.ARGUMENTS_MISSING Too few arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for call


x = new ByteBuffer();

x.append(new ByteBuffer("ABC", ASCII));
assert(x.toString() == "41 42 43");

assert(x.toString() == "41 42 43 31 32 33");

x.append(new ByteString("ABC", ASCII));
assert(x.toString() == "41 42 43 31 32 33 41 42 43");

str = 0x20;
assert(x.toString() == "41 42 43 31 32 33 41 42 43 20");



Number byteAt(Number offset)


Return the byte at the zero based offset in the ByteBuffer


Type Name Description
Number offset Zero based offset


Number Value of byte as unsigned integer


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.ARGUMENTS_MISSING Too few arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for call
GPError GPError.INVALID_INDEX Argument offset is out of range


x = new ByteBuffer("123ABCÄÖÜ", ASCII);
assert(typeof(x.byteAt(0) == "number"));
assert(x.byteAt(0) == 0x31);
assert(x.byteAt(3) == 0x41);
assert(x.byteAt(6) == 0xC4);



ByteBuffer clear()

ByteBuffer clear(Number offset)

ByteBuffer clear(Number offset, Number length)


Clears the area specified by offset and length in the ByteBuffer. Bytes behind the cleared area are moved to offset. If length is missing, then the remaining length from offset to the end of the ByteBuffer is cleared. If offset and length are missing from the argument list, then the whole ByteBuffer is cleared.


Type Name Description
Number offset The zero based offset in the ByteBuffer where the clear operation is started. Zero is assumed if offset is missing.
Number length The length of the area to be cleared. If length is missing, then the maximum number of bytes up to the end of the ByteBuffer is assumed.


ByteBuffer The ByteBuffer object the method is applied to


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.ARGUMENTS_MISSING Too few arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for call
GPError GPError.INVALID_INDEX Argument offset is out of range
GPError GPError.INVALID_LENGTH Argument length is out of range


x = new ByteBuffer("123456", ASCII);

x.clear(2, 2);
assert(x.toString(ASCII) == "1256");

assert(x.toString(ASCII) == "12");

assert(x.length == 0);



ByteBuffer copy(Number offset, ByteBuffer byteBuffer)

ByteBuffer copy(Number offset, ByteString byteString)

ByteBuffer copy(Number offset, Number byteValue)

ByteBuffer copy(Number offset, String stringValue)


Copy the bytes from the argument into the ByteBuffer at offset and replace the bytes contained. The length of the ByteBuffer is not changed.


Type Name Description
Number offset Zero based offset at which the bytes from the argument are copied to
ByteBuffer byteBuffer
ByteString byteString
Number byteValue Value of a single unsigned byte
Number stringValue ASCII encoded string


ByteBuffer The ByteBuffer object this method is applied to


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.ARGUMENTS_MISSING Too few arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for call
GPError GPError.INVALID_INDEX The argument offset is out of range
GPError GPError.INVALID_LENGTH The offset plus the length of the argument exceeds the end of the ByteBuffer


x = new ByteBuffer("123456", ASCII);

x.copy(0, "AB");
assert(x.toString(ASCII) == "AB3456");

y = new ByteBuffer("CD", ASCII);
x.copy(2, y);
assert(x.toString(ASCII) == "ABCD56");

y = new ByteString("EF", ASCII);
x.copy(4, y);
assert(x.toString(ASCII) == "ABCDEF");



Number find(ByteString value)

Number find(ByteString value, Number offset)


Find the first occurence of the value starting at offset.


Type Name Description
ByteString value ByteString to locate in ByteBuffer
Number offset Zero based offset to start search at. Zero is assumed if argument is missing.


Number Zero based offset at which the ByteString is found or -1 if the ByteString is not found.


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.ARGUMENTS_MISSING Too few arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_INDEX Argument offset is out of range
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for call


x = new ByteBuffer("ABCDABCD", ASCII);
y = new ByteString("BC", ASCII);

assert(x.find(y) == 1);
assert(x.find(y, 2) == 5);
assert(x.find(y, -2) == 1);

y = new ByteString("CD", ASCII);
assert(x.find(y, 4) == 6);

y = new ByteString("CD", ASCII);
assert(x.find(y, 6) == 6);

y = new ByteString("CB", ASCII);
assert(x.find(y) == -1);

y = new ByteString("BCDE", ASCII);
assert(x.find(y) == -1);

y = new ByteString("", ASCII);
assert(x.find(y) == 0);

x = new ByteBuffer("", ASCII);
y = new ByteString("", ASCII);
assert(x.find(y) == 0);
assert(x.find(y, 0) == 0);



ByteBuffer insert(Number offset, ByteBuffer byteBuffer)

ByteBuffer insert(Number offset, ByteString byteString)

ByteBuffer insert(Number offset, Number byteValue)

ByteBuffer insert(Number offset, String stringValue)


Insert the bytes from the argument at offset.


Type Name Description
Number offset Zero based offset at which the bytes are inserted
ByteBuffer byteBuffer ByteBuffer object to be appended to ByteBuffer
ByteString byteString ByteString object to be appended to ByteBuffer
String stringValue String containing ASCII characters to be appended to ByteBuffer
Number byteValue Single byte value


ByteBuffer Returns the ByteBuffer object this method is applied to


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.ARGUMENTS_MISSING Too few arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for call
GPError GPError.INVALID_INDEX The argument offset is out of range


x = new ByteBuffer("123456", ASCII);

x.insert(0, "AB");
assert(x.toString(ASCII) == "AB123456");

y = new ByteBuffer("CD", ASCII);
x.insert(2, y);
assert(x.toString(ASCII) == "ABCD123456");

y = new ByteString("EF", ASCII);
x.insert(10, y);
assert(x.toString(ASCII) == "ABCD123456EF");

x.insert(1, 0x31);
assert(x.toString(ASCII) == "A1BCD123456EF");



ByteString toByteString()

ByteString toByteString(Number offset)

ByteString toByteString(Number offset, Number count)


Return all or a fraction of the ByteBuffer as ByteString.


Type Name Description
Number offset Zero based offset in ByteBuffer. Default is 0.
Number count Number of bytes to return. Default is all.


ByteString Bytes as ByteString object


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.ARGUMENTS_MISSING Too few arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for call
GPError GPError.INVALID_INDEX The argument offset is out of range
GPError GPError.INVALID_LENGTH The argument count is out of range


x = new ByteBuffer("123456", ASCII);

y = x.toByteString();
assert(y.toString(ASCII) == "123456");

y = x.toByteString(3);
assert(y.toString(ASCII) == "456");

y = x.toByteString(2, 2);
assert(y.toString(ASCII) == "34");

y = x.toByteString(6, 0);
assert(y.toString(ASCII) == "");