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Class SmartCardHSMCrypto

Wrapper to provide Crypto interface to SmartCard-HSM
Defined in: smartcardhsm.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Create crypto object implementing access to the SmartCard-HSM
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
sign(key, mech, message)
Sign a message using the defined mechanism and key
verify(key, mech, message, signature)
Verify a message using the defined mechanism and key
Class Detail
Create crypto object implementing access to the SmartCard-HSM
{Crypto} crypto
the backend crypto provider
Method Detail
{ByteString} sign(key, mech, message)
Sign a message using the defined mechanism and key
{HSMKey} key
the private key
{Number} mech
the mechanism (e.g. Crypto.ECDSA)
{ByteString} message
the message to be signed
the signature

{Boolean} verify(key, mech, message, signature)
Verify a message using the defined mechanism and key
{Key} key
the public key
{Number} mech
the mechanism (e.g. Crypto.ECDSA)
{ByteString} message
the message to be signed
{ByteString} signature
the signature to verify
true if signature is valid

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Mon Jun 30 2014 21:40:15 GMT+0200 (CEST)