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Class SecureMessagingCommandAPDUDecoder

Decoder for a secure messaging APDU
Defined in: securechannel.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a decoder for a single secure messaging command APDU
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Build the MAC input block
Decrypt the body of a secure messaging APDU
Return value of optional Le element with tag '97'
Verify the message authentication code (MAC)
Class Detail
SecureMessagingCommandAPDUDecoder(channel, apdu)
Creates a decoder for a single secure messaging command APDU
{SecureChannel} channel
the secure channel object
{APDU} apdu
the secure messaging APDU
Method Detail
{ByteString} buildMACInput()
Build the MAC input block
the MAC calculation input block

{ByteString} decryptBody(key)
Decrypt the body of a secure messaging APDU
{Key} key
the encryption key
the plain body

{Number} getLe()
Return value of optional Le element with tag '97'
the value of the Le element

{boolean} verifyMAC()
Verify the message authentication code (MAC)
true if the MAC is valid

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Mon Jun 30 2014 21:39:53 GMT+0200 (CEST)