Scripting Server

GPError - Reference Documentation

Exception class thrown by various GP functions

Index of Methods


Type Name Description
Number ACCESS_DENIED Access to resource denied
Number ARGUMENTS_MISSING A required argument is missing from the argument list
Number CARD_COMM_ERROR Card communication error
Number CARD_INVALID_SW A SW1/SW2 returned by the ICC is not as expected
Number CRYPTO_FAILED Cryptographic operation failed
Number DATA_TOO_LARGE Data supplied is too large for operation
Number DEVICE_ERROR Hardware device reported error
Number INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments supplied in argument list
Number INVALID_DATA Invalid data supplied as argument
Number INVALID_ENCODING Invalid encoding format used in argument
Number INVALID_INDEX Index is out of bounds
Number INVALID_KEY Invalid key for operation
Number INVALID_LENGTH Length is out of range
Number INVALID_MECH Invalid mechanism specified
Number INVALID_TAG Invalid tag value or format
Number INVALID_TYPE Invalid type given as argument
Number INVALID_USAGE Invalid usage
Number KEY_NOT_FOUND Key not found
Number OBJECTCREATION- FAILED Object could not be created
Number SECURE_CHANNEL_ WRONG_STATE Secure channel is in wrong state for desired operation
Number TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS Tag does already exist in TLVList that must contain unique tags
Number TAG_NOT_FOUND Tag not found
Number OBJECT_NOT_FOUND Object could not be found
Number NOT_YET_VALID Object is not yet valid
Number EXPIRED Object is expired
Number SIGNATURE_FAILED Signature verification failed
Number AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Authentication failed
Number NOT_AUTHENTICATED Not authenticated for operation
Number AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_BLOCKED Authentication method is blocked
Number OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory
Number CARD_CONNECT_FAILED Failed to connect to card
Number CARD_REMOVED Card removed
Number USER_ABORT Operation aborted by user
Number UNDEFINED Undefined error code
Number UNSUPPORTED Unsupported operation
Number USER_DEFINED User defined error


Type Name Description
String className Class throwing the exception
Number error Error code. Must be one of the defined constants
Number reason Reason for exception, e.g. the argument causing the exception
String message Human readable message describing the error
String fileName The name of the file containing the source code
Number lineNumber The line in the source code where the exception occurred
String stack List of file names and line numbers resembling the call stack



GPError(String className, Number error, Number reason, String message)


Create a new GPError object with the fields set to the arguments.


Type Name Description
String className Class throwing the exception
Number error Error code. Must be one of the defined constants
Number reason Reason for exception, e.g. the argument causing the exception
String message Human readable message describing the error


Name Value Description


// Throw from within script
try	{
	throw new GPError("test.class", 1, 2, "script");

catch(e) {
	assert(e instanceof GPError);
	assert(e.className == "test.class");
	assert(e.error == 1);
	assert(e.reason == 2);
	assert(e.message == "script");