Smart Card Shell

GPApplication - Reference Documentation

An instance of the GPApplication class represents an application on a Global Platform card.

Instances of this class are created using the getApplicationInstance() method of the application factory.

Index of Methods


Type Name Description
ByteString aid Application identifier for this application.
Card card Card object associated with application.
Card crypto Crypto object associated with application.
Array data[] Associative array of data elements.
Array key[] Associative array of keys.
Object profile Deserialized application profile.



GPApplication(String profile)

GPApplication(String profile, ByteString aid, Card card, Crypto crypto, Object dataMapper)


Create a GPApplication object and initialize from profile.

This constructor is provided for special development and testing purposes. The preferred method is to use the getApplicationInstance() method of the ApplicationFactory.


Type Name Description
String profile Name of file containing Global Platform Application profile. The file name will be mapped to the file system of the runtime environment.
ByteString aid Application identifier for application.
Card card Card object to associate Application with or null if none defined.
Crypto crypto Crypto object to associate Application with.
Object dataMapper Data mapper object to be used for external data elements or null if none defined.


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments given
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE On or more arguments are not of the expected type


var sd = new GPApplication("profiles/ap_sample.xml");

assert(sd != null);



Void run(String scriptName)


Locate and execute script fragment in application profile.

This method does the complete initialization of the key and data properties according to the declarations for this script fragment

Key profiles are obtained from the ApplicationFactory that created the Application object.

External data elements are mapped using the data mapper defined in the constructor or the getApplicationInstance() method of the application factory.

Warning: This method is an extension to the methods defined in the Global Platform Scripting specification. It is provided as development and test aid.


Type Name Description
String scriptName Name of script fragment to execute.


Void The method does not return a value


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.ARGUMENTS_MISSING Too few arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for method invocation




ByteString select()

ByteString select(Boolean next, Boolean noData)

ByteString select(Boolean next, Number[] sw)

ByteString select(Boolean next, Boolean noData, Number[] sw)


Select application on ICC.


Type Name Description
Boolean next Used to control parameter P1 in the select command. True will select next application with matching AID. Default is false.
Boolean noData Ignore data returned from card. Default is false.
Number[] sw Array of acceptable SW1/SW2 response codes.


ByteString Data returned from card in response to select.


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.ARGUMENTS_MISSING Too few arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for method invocation


var aid = new ByteString("D040000017010101", HEX);
var card = new Card(_scsh3.reader);
var crypto = new Crypto();

var application = new GPApplication("profiles/ap_test.xml", aid, card, crypto, 
                                    new Object());

var resp =;
assert(resp instanceof ByteString);

var resp =, false);
assert(resp instanceof ByteString);

var resp =, [ 0x9000 ]);
assert(resp instanceof ByteString);

var resp =, false, [ 0x6A86 ]);
assert(resp instanceof ByteString);



ByteString sendApdu (Number cla, Number ins, Number p1, Number p2)

ByteString sendApdu (Number cla, Number ins, Number p1, Number p2, Number[] sw)

ByteString sendApdu (Number cla, Number ins, Number p1, Number p2, ByteString data)

ByteString sendApdu (Number cla, Number ins, Number p1, Number p2, ByteString data, Number[] sw)

ByteString sendApdu (Number cla, Number ins, Number p1, Number p2, Number le)

ByteString sendApdu (Number cla, Number ins, Number p1, Number p2, Number le, Number[] sw)

ByteString sendApdu (Number cla, Number ins, Number p1, Number p2, ByteString data, Number le)

ByteString sendApdu (Number cla, Number ins, Number p1, Number p2, ByteString data, Number le, Number[] sw)


Transmit a Command-APDU to the ICC and receive the Response-APDU.

The method updates the fields SW, SW1, SW2 and response of the associated card object with the values received from the ICC.

An array of valid return codes can be passed as argument sw. If the SW1/SW2 from the ICC does not match with one of the entries in the array, then an GPError.CARD_COMM_ERROR exception is raised.

The method supports ISO7816-4 extended format. This is automatically used, if the length of the data argument exceeds 255 or if the argument le exceeds 256.


Type Name Description
Number cla The CLA byte for the Command-APDU
Number ins The INS byte for the Command-APDU
Number p1 The P1 byte for the Command-APDU
Number p2 The P2 byte for the Command-APDU
ByteString data The data bytes to be send in the Command-APDU for case 3 or case 4 commands
Number le The number of bytes expected in the response. 256 is encoded as '00' in short format. 65536 is encoded as '0000' in extended format.
Number[] sw Array of acceptable SW1/SW2 return codes


ByteString Response APDU received from ICC


Name Value Description
GPError GPError.ARGUMENTS_MISSING Too few arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_ARGUMENTS Too many arguments in call
GPError GPError.INVALID_TYPE Type of argument is invalid for call or SW array contain a type other than Number
GPError GPError.CARD_COMM_ERROR A communication error with the ICC occured
GPError GPError.CARD_INVALID_SW The status word return by the ICC does not match one of the expected result
GPError GPError.DATA_TOO_LARGE The data for the command APDU exceeds 65536
GPError GPError.INVALID_LENGTH The value given for Le is out of range


// Case 1: 0022F3A4 - MANAGE SE

resp = application.sendApdu(0x00, 0x22, 0xF3, 0xA4);
assert(resp instanceof ByteString);
print(application.card.SW.toString(16) + " - " + resp);

resp = card.sendApdu(0x00, 0x22, 0xF3, 0xA4, [0x9000]);
assert(resp instanceof ByteString);

// Case 2: 00B201F400 - READ RECORD from EF_STATUS

resp = card.sendApdu(0x00, 0xB2, 0x01, 0x24, 0);
assert(resp instanceof ByteString);
print(card.SW.toString(16) + " - " + resp);

assert(resp.length > 0);
assert(application.card.SW == 0x9000);

resp = card.sendApdu(0x00, 0xB2, 0x01, 0x24, 0, [0x9000]);
assert(resp.length > 0);

// Case 3: 002A90A008 - HASH

resp = application.sendApdu(0x00, 0x2A, 0x90, 0xA0,
            new ByteString("9000800431323334", HEX));
assert(resp instanceof ByteString);
print(application.card.SW.toString(16) + " - " + resp);

assert(card.SW == 0x9000);

resp = application.sendApdu(0x00, 0x2A, 0x90, 0xA0, 
            new ByteString("9000800431323334", HEX),[0x9000]);

// Case 4: 00A40204022F0000 - SELECT EF_STATUS

resp = application.sendApdu(0x00, 0xA4, 0x02, 0x04, new ByteString("EF04", HEX), 0);
assert(resp instanceof ByteString);
print(application.card.SW.toString(16) + " - " + resp);

assert(application.card.SW == 0x9000);
assert(resp.length > 0);

resp = application.sendApdu(0x00, 0xA4, 0x02, 0x04, 
            new ByteString("EF04", HEX), 0, [0x9000]);
assert(resp.length > 0);